Friday, January 29, 2021

I Believe in Art and Culture. Status of Nigerian Art Status in this regard refers to the professional position or rank in relation to other art forms in the region or even in the world at large. Before going deep into this, there is need to do a sort of lucid classification which could be under Traditional and Contemporary. Tradition could mean the passing of beliefs customs from one generation to the next undiluted. But to relate it to art, it could mean the passing of a long-established method or practice of art production from one generation to the other. While contemporary could mean present time or modern or even what we can refer to as worldwide accepted type of art. Which side should Nigeria take presently? Is it a totally condensed traditional art form or dance to the yearnings of Modernization in order to be reckoned with? To go along with this classification, we need to leave out the importance of economy in the determination of status regarding Nigerian Art. Economic factor must be reduced so as to bring out the importance and status of Nigerian Art? We need to create a compromise between them as Carpenter (1973) rightly pointed out in his book on Inuit Souvenirs. He reminds us that Michelangelo worked for money without loss of integrity, and he never mass-produced to debase the status of his art works. We are now faced with a reality, and a question is now staring at us, and that is, how many Nigerian.

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